You can read the Nassau Bowmen bylaws below or download a PDF here.
Bylaws of Nassau Bowmen
Updated March 25, 2018
- The purposes for which this corporation has been organized are as follows
- To promote an interest in target archery.
- To aid in the instruction of the use of the bow and arrow, both in a club atmosphere and in connection with any athletic, recreational or educational effort, either on a club level or on a school level, private and public school.
- To provide for the mutual assistance, enjoyment, entertainment, and improvement of the members of the association, both socially and physically, and for encouraging them to participate in club practice sessions and events.
- To do anything necessary, suitable or proper, or to do any other act or thing incidental to or connected with the foregoing purposes, or in advancement thereof, but not for the pecuniary profit or financial gain of its members, directors, or officers.
Dues shall be paid in full when a new member joins. A new member shall not have the right to vote for one year. After one year the Board shall vote on whether they will accept or reject the new member into the club as a voting member. There is one vote per qualifying membership (family memberships have one vote). Non-voting members can participate at meetings but cannot vote.
All members shall assist the club Tournament Director at all club functions, including setting up and breaking down the equipment in the field and must participate in work details as necessary.
A voting member must be eighteen years or older.
A voting member is at the discretion of the board.
Board meetings of the club shall be held monthly throughout the year at the discretion of the President. Board members are expected to not miss more than two meetings per year.
Committee meetings will be held prior to Board meetings so that reports are ready for Board meetings.
General membership meetings of the club shall be held in the beginning and at the end of each season. The secretary shall contact/email every member a notice stating the time and place of the meeting.
The Board of Directors may call special meetings of the club at any time. The secretary shall contact/email to every member, at least ten days before the scheduled date of such a meeting, a notice stating the time and place of the meeting.
The order of business at all meetings shall be as follows:
- Record of attendance
- Reading of the minutes of the preceding meeting
- Reports of Officers
- Reports of Committees
- Old Business
- New Business, elections (fall meeting only)
- Adjournment
Renewal Membership Dues shall be payable by March 1 of each year. Dues are determined by the Board of Directors
There shall be up to 12 Board members. Nominations for Board members are to be at the first general meeting of the season. Elections for Board members are held at the last general meeting of the season. To be eligible for nomination, individuals must be a voting member. The position of the President shall be determined by the members of the Board. The President shall determine the positions of the Board members annually. Each Board member shall hold office for a term of 2 years. Each Board member has an option for an additional term of 2 years if elected again by a membership vote. Once a Board member has reached their term limit, after one year, they can be considered for nomination.
Any office elected, or appointed by the President or Board may be removed by the same. In the event of the death, resignation or removal of an officer, the Board, in its discretion, shall appoint a successor to fill offices. Any offices may be held by the same person, except the office of President and Secretary.
The President is responsible for overseeing the Board. He or she is responsible for planning and creating the long-term vision of the club. The President shall serve as the liaison between the club and the sponsors, park officials, etc. The President will have the authority to spend up to $500 in an emergency without the Board’s approval. Additional duties will include assisting the new President transition into office, reviewing Board minutes before being sent out, selecting Committee Chairpersons annually, and presiding over membership and annual meetings.
During the absence or disability of the president, the Vice-President shall have the powers and functions of the President. The Vice-President shall perform such other duties as the membership shall prescribe. He or she will oversee the Equipment and Facilities Committee. The Vice-President will help the new Vice-President transition into their new role.
The Treasurer is the Chairman of the Finance Committee and is responsible for overseeing the finances of the club. The Treasurer shall have the care and custody of all the funds of the club and shall deposit said funds in the name of the club in such bank or trust company as the board may elect. He or she is responsible for providing monthly financial statements to the Board. He or she will also provide annual financial reports to the full membership at annual meetings. Additional duties will include collecting unpaid dues and promptly paying bills.
The secretary shall attend all Board meetings and keep the minutes of the Board meetings to be distributed in a timely fashion to all Board members. He or she shall collect Committee reports for monthly Board meetings. The Secretary is responsible for proper communications to members in coordination with the Membership Committee. The Secretary shall maintain the membership database and/or information. He or she shall attend to the giving and serving all notices of the club and shall have charge of such books and papers as the board may direct. He or she shall attend to such correspondence as may be assigned to him or her and perform all duties incidental to his or her office. He or she shall keep a membership role containing the names of all persons who are members of the club, showing their places of residence and date when they became members.
The past president will remain a member of the board for one year, or until a new president is elected. The past president will help the new president transition into office.
All Committee Chairpeople shall be full Board members and the Chairpeople shall be responsible for their respective Committee’s duties.
The Membership Chairperson will be responsible for acquiring new members for the club. The Committee will establish detailed membership applications to be posted online for new members and for membership renewals. The Committee will make recommendations to the Board to upgrade one’s membership to voting member status at the end of the year and with the Board’s approval. The Membership Committee will create an annual member survey. The Committee will keep membership up to date via all forms of communication (email, text, social media, etc) with changes regarding the club, club events, sponsor advertising, or any other information this Committee deems necessary for club members to be made aware of. Additional duties will include generating a member ID in Coordination with Facilities Committee chairperson and delegating duties to Committee members.
The Tournament Chairperson will be responsible for establishing yearly tournament schedules. He or she will have the ability to generate new events for each year and discard events that had a low attendance rate. Details of new events should be completed for the first Board meeting of the year. Members of this committee will be responsible for setting up the field for tournaments and special events. Additional duties will include registering events with USA Archery, setting practice dates, creating dates for pin shoots, creating tournament applications (online, paper, and posters to be distributed to all local ranges), creating scorecards (tournaments, leagues, and for handicap purposes), order distinctive awards for each event including leagues, and delegating duties to Committee members.
The Equipment Committee will be responsible for purchasing the necessary equipment to operate the club, both on and off the field. At the end of each season, the Committee will replace the lock (if deemed necessary) on the shed and make the appropriate amount of keys that is requested by the Facilities Committee. Additional duties will include maintaining existing equipment, maintaining layout of the field, keeping up to date with inventory for all equipment, maintaining order of shed, discarding unused or old equipment, emailing membership as needed, and delegating duties to Committee members.
The Facilities Committee will be responsible for opening and closing the field and shed. The Committee will ensure that all range officers maintain Level 2 certification. The Facilities Committee will distribute keys to Board Members and Committee Chairpeople. Committee members should make the proper introduction and provide information about the club to inquiries, park attendees standing near the fence, and any potential members. At every practice session, the Committee will assemble and disassemble target set-ups as needed (weekend practice sessions require banners, PA system, and tents). The Committee will make recommendations to the Board in regards to the days and hours the range should be open. In coordination with the Membership Committee, the Facilities committee will make recommendations for member ID (e.g. types of ID and its visibility). Additional duties will include recording attendance, collecting fees from non-members and forwarding these fees to the Treasurer, establishing relationships with non-members (hunters, inquiries, park staff, etc.), email members as needed, and delegating duties to Committee members.
The Marketing Committee will be responsible for promoting Nassau Bowmen via social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagrams, etc.). The committee will send flyers to venues (ranges, park facilities, etc.) to promote the Club, tournaments, and other events. Additional duties will include taking and/or collecting pictures to be posted on website and social media platforms, consistent update of social media platforms, and long-term marketing planning.
The bylaws may be adopted, amended or repealed by the members at the time they are entitled to vote in the election of officers. Any amendment to the bylaws shall be presented to the general membership.